Senior citizens' time - childcare, volunteering and time for oneself
On 8 June 2023, the Assises des Familles was held, an annual day of conferences and debates on family issues in Geneva.
On 8 June 2023, the Assises des Familles was held, an annual day of conferences and debates on family issues in Geneva.
On 14 December 2022, Aurélie Chopard-dit-Jean defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Talking about death in medico-social establishments (EMS) and residential establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD): towards a psychological understanding of residents' relationship with life and death"
On 9 March 2022, Roberta Besozzi defended her thesis "Company apprentice trainers: career paths and relationship to the job in French-speaking Switzerland", under the supervision of Prof. Nicky Le Feuvre (UNIL) and Prof. Nadia Lamamra (HEFP).
On 22 June 2023, Fiona Köster defended her thesis "The effect of major life events on labour market outcomes and well-being." and obtained her doctorate in social sciences from the University of Lausanne. The team of the LIVES Centre warmly congratulates her on this achievement!
On Thursday 29 June 2023, Kevin Emery defended his thesis entitled "Handling missing data in multichannel life course analysis" at the University of Lausanne. The LIVES Centre warmly congratulates him on obtaining his doctorate in applied mathematics for the humanities and social sciences!
In the 34th issue of the journal Social Change in Switzerland, Anke Tresch, Line Rennwald and Lukas Lauener show that the proportion of people who do not feel close to any party has risen sharply in Switzerland since the 1970s.
La gouvernance participative vise à impliquer les citoyen·ne·s, le pouvoir politique, les professionnel·le·s du travail social et les associations dans les décisions politiques locales ainsi que dans les projets associatifs ou institutionnels.
Congratulations to Vanessa Brandalesi who obtained her doctorate in social sciences at the University of Lausanne.
On Monday 8 May 2023, more than 50 professionals and experts met to discuss the subject of divorced or separated families.
On 23 March 2023, Greta Mikneviciute defended her thesis entitled "Psychophysiological and cognitive effects of acute stress in young and older adults