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Company apprentice trainers - Thesis by Roberta Besozzi

On 9 March 2022, Roberta Besozzi defended her thesis "Company apprentice trainers: career paths and relationship to the job in French-speaking Switzerland", under the supervision of Prof. Nicky Le Feuvre (UNIL) and Prof. Nadia Lamamra (HEFP).


Influence of the place of living on health

Growing up in rural areas leads to a long-term disadvantage in cognitive functioning. Even after controlling for differences in education and occupation, living in rural (as opposed to urban) areas early in life remained associated with poorer cognitive performance later in life.


NRP 80 - « Covid-19 in society » 

The research program NRP 80 focuses on understanding and addressing the societal challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland. It aims to provide evidence-based guidance and knowledge to effectively manage the current and future pandemics.