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DAISIE Project - Dynamics of Accumulated Inequalities for Seniors in Employment Directed by Nicky Le Feuvre

Final conference

DAISIE final conference. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this event will take place exclusively on-line, on May 25-26, 2021

Call for abstracts

Call for Abstracts for the Workshop organized by the DAISIE team on ‘Extending Working Lives: Policies, Practices and Social Implications for Older Workers’ at the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association 2019, Neuchâtel, 10-12 September.

  • Deadline for submission: April 20, 2019
  • Organizer(s): Nicky Le Feuvre, University of Lausanne; Nathalie Rougier, University of Lausanne; Isabelle Zinn, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  • Contact:
  • Maximum length for abstracts: 2000 characters (including spaces)
  • Email your abstract to
  • >> Further informations

Project meetings

  • Fourth DAISIE Project Meeting – LAUSANNE, Switzerland – September 2019
    Institute of Social Sciences (ISS), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Third DAISIE Project Meeting – GALWAY, Ireland – November 2018
    Institute for Lifecourse & Society, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland
  • Second DAISIE Project Meeting – EDINBURGH, Scotland – September 2018
    University of Edinburgh Business School, 29 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9JS, Scotland, UK
  • First DAISIE Project Meeting – PRAGUE, Czech Republic – March 2018
    Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Science, Husova 4, Prague 1, Czech Republic

Stakeholder workshops

DAISIE is a research project funded by the transnational research programme “Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course: structures and processes” (DIAL) in the framework of NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe), a partnership of nineteen national research funding agencies across Europe dedicated to leading and developing opportunities for scientists in the area of social and behavioural sciences.


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