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Measuring vulnerability

This project is designed to provide the participants in the NCCR LIVES with high methodological competences in data collection and data management and with advanced statistical tools for the analysis of vulnerability and resilience processes in the life course. The project merges the forces of the two previous methodological IPs. While in Phase 1 (2011-2014) IP14 invested most of its energy in the development of longitudinal methods for studying life courses, especially sequence analysis, in Phase 2 (2015-2018) we want to focus analytically on vulnerabilities as states, risks and processes. Work on the quality of survey data conducted by IP15 in Phase 1 will be extended in Phase 2, maintaining a strong focus on processes of data production with respect to vulnerability.

Find the softwares developped by this project.


Gilbert Ritschard


Prof. André Berchtold, Prof. Paolo Ghisletta, Prof. Dominique Joye, Prof. Michel Oris, Prof. Caroline Roberts
Dr. Delphine Courvoisier, Dr. Pascal Gaberel, Dr. Brian Kleiner, Dr. Matthias Studer
Henning Atzamba, Sophie Rossillion

Doctoral students
Dan Orsholits, Serguei Rouzinov

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