Scientific papers
Publication of LIVES research and results in scientific journals.

LIVES Working papers
LIVES Working papers are articles which aim to share ideas before their formal publication in scientific journals.

Withstanding Vulnerability Throughout Adult Life
Major findings and theoretical advances of the program run by the LIVES Centre

Life-course research and social policies (Springer)
This series presents advances in life course analysis and develop implications for social policy.

LIVES Impact
These policy briefs raise awareness about LIVES research findings. They are published in short version (trilingual FR / EN / DE) and full version.

Social change in Switzerland
These contributions document the evolution of the Swiss social structure and are addressed to the actors of social policies.

Dictionary of Swiss Social Policy
LIVES in collaboration with the HES-SO, FHNW and SVSP supported the production of this new dictionary (published in Nov. 2020)

LIVES - Art Brut and life courses
Five LIVES researchers shed light on the life courses and artistic production of seven Art Brut artists in this exhibition book.