27 Aoû 2024

Venue: CIGEV, 22 Route de Pinchat, Carouge
- 15h15-16h: Assemblée Générale CIGEV - CENTRE LIVES UNIGE
- 16h15-17h15 : Speaker: Prof. Lilly Shanahan, University of Zurich (UZH
Risk and Resilience from Childhood to Young Adulthood
(40 minutes talk, 20 minutes discussion)
- Starting at 17h15: Join us for APERO in the gardens of the Pinchat site!
Risk and Resilience from Childhood to Young Adulthood
Speaker: Prof. Lilly Shanahan
The goal of Prof. Shanahan's research is to understand risk and protective factors in the development of psychopathology (e.g., depression, anxiety) and problematic substance use in the first decades of life. In her talk, she will provide an overview of her team’s findings on risk and resilience from childhood to young adulthood, drawing on the Great Smoky Mountain Study (GSMS) in the USA and the Zurich Project on Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood (z-proso) in Switzerland. This will include findings on the prevalence and developmental course of psychopathology, adversities associated with an increased the risk of psychopathology, and also protective factors that could increase resilience.
Prof. Lilly Shanahan leads the research group on "Risk and Resilience" at the UZH Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development at the University of Zurich (UZH) and is also a professor in the UZH Department of Psychology. Previously, she was a professor at several US universities (e.g., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Prof. Shanahan is co-director of the "Zurich Project on Social Development from Childhood into Adulthood (z-proso)" and also works with additional prospective-longitudinal cohort studies.
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