31 Mar 2025
Appel à projets

Purpose of the call
One of the three missions of the Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research LIVES is to be of service to society and to co-build knowledge about the life course and vulnerability with non-academic actors for whom our members’ research can have impact and added value. To this aim, we offer financial support of up to 2500 CHF to LIVES members interested in strengthening the practical implications of their research, building partnerships with non-academic actors and developing science-society activities within their research projects. In the case of particularly interesting projects, the amount requested can be higher.
To be eligible for support from the LIVES Centre, interested researchers must meet the following criteria:
- At least one applicant is a member of the LIVES Centre with a contract at the University of Lausanne or Geneva running until the end of 2025
- The research involved in the science-society activities is about the life course and/or vulnerability and has a clear connection to the LIVES Centre (e.g. the research project is associated to the LIVES Centre, affiliation to the LIVES Centre is mentioned in the research outputs)
- The science-society activities are aimed at a defined target group for whom the research can have impact and added value (e.g. professionals, policy makers, civil society actors)
- The activities take place in 2025
Submission of funding applications
Applications can be submitted by March 31, 2025 to lives@unil.ch Please submit the following documents in English in one single pdf-document (with the applicants’ last name in the file name):
- A description of 1-2 pages (formatting: min. 1.5 spacing, 12pt) of the activity stating what is being planned (activity), by whom (status of the applicants), for whom (target group) and how it relates to the LIVES Centre (research)
- A breakdown of expected costs
- A CV of the main applicants
If you have questions about the call, please contact LIVES coordinator laure.sandoz@unil.ch.
After receiving support from LIVES, the researchers agree to the following conditions:
- They acknowledge LIVES support in their science-society activities and, when relevant, use LIVES logo
- They send a short report of 200 words to inform the LIVES Centre about the outputs and impact of their science-society activities (feedback on the activity, people involved, follow-up projects, etc.)
- If relevant, they agree to display information about the science-society activities on the LIVES website and reports
Acceptance or rejection of applications will be communicated by 15 April 2025. The funding can only be disbursed until 31 December 2025, and the short report is due by 31 January 2026 at the latest.