15 Nov 2023
Appel à projets

Goal of the call
The Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research LIVES provides financial support – seed money – for the preparation of new research projects on the life course and vulnerability. This call also includes feasibility studies in view of the later submission of a project application. The goal is to support the development of research projects that can be associated with the LIVES Centre.
The order of magnitude of the funding is linked to the size of a planned project application (with SNF, international agencies, foundations, etc.). The funding will be limited to:
- a maximum of CHF 10,000 for projects seeking total funding of less than CHF 100,000;
- a maximum of CHF 15,000 for projects seeking total funding of CHF 100,000 to 500’000;
- a maximum of CHF 20,000 for projects seeking total funding of more than CHF 500’000.
The funding received from this call can only be disbursed during the calendar year 2024.
- The main applicant must hold a PhD and have a work contract at the University of Lausanne or Geneva that extends beyond the end of the funding of the final application (e.g. professor, MER).
- The main applicant must be employed in a partner faculty of the LIVES Centre at the University of Lausanne – SSP, FBM, FDCA, FTSR or HEC – or the University of Geneva: SDS, GSEM, FAPSE. Collaborations with LIVES members in other Swiss universities or universities of applied sciences are encouraged.
- Applications for project funding must be made within 15 months of receiving seed money from LIVES and thus no later than April 1, 2025.
- Individuals who obtain funding from LIVES agree to acknowledge LIVES in later publications.
- The funded project linked to this seed money will be associated to the LIVES Centre.
Submission of funding application
Applications can be submitted until November 15, 2023 to tomaso.solari@unil.ch (for members of University of Lausanne) and cigev@unige.ch (for members of University of Geneva). Please submit the following documents in English in one single pdf-document (containing the applicants’ last name in the file-name):
- A research plan of no more than 3 pages (formatting: min. 1.5 spacing, 12pts), stating the research question, expected contribution, methods, and expected output
- A timeline for the implementation of the project submission or feasibility study
- A breakdown of expected costs
- A CV with a publication list for all participating applicants
If you have general questions concerning the call, please contact LIVES director Daniel Oesch at University of Lausanne (daniel.oesch@unil.ch) or LIVES co-director Clémentine Rossier at University of Geneva (clementine.rossier@unige.ch). If you have questions concerning the calculation of costs, please contact tomaso.solari@unil.ch or cigev@unige.ch at University of Geneva.
Assessment Criteria
The assessment of projects will be based on the quality, promise and topical fit of the project with the Centre LIVES as well as the scientific qualifications of applicant(s). Applications asking for less than the maximum amount of funding may have higher chances of being funded.
Acceptance or rejection of projects will be communicated by December 15, 2023.