15 Sep 2023
Appel à candidatures

The Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research LIVES organizes a 4-day writing retreat in February 2024, from Monday 5 to Thursday 8, at the Hostellerie am Schwarzsee near Fribourg (https://www.hostellerieamschwarzsee.ch/) to support the writing of articles (or proposals) on the life course and vulnerability and to foster exchange among its members.
All LIVES members are entitled to apply. The idea is that all your data collection and data analyses are behind you, and you are eager to write! You can be an individual or a group. Groups can delegate one or several members. Please specify this aspect in your application.
Non-members may also be included as part of a collaborative writing project (see financial conditions below).
Priority will be given to interdisciplinary and/or collaborative writing projects, but we expect to have rooms also for individuals: do not restrain yourself. Whatever the writing project, (a) the focus has to be on the life course and/or vulnerability, and (b) you must have a well-defined output. A maximum of 25 researchers will be selected to participate in the retreat.
The total cost of the retreat per person is 760 CHF. The LIVES Centre will cover these costs for its members (junior and senior researchers) with a work contract at the University of Geneva or Lausanne that extends beyond the end of the retreat. Affiliated LIVES members from other institutions are asked to contribute 400 CHF. The LIVES Centre offers a limited number of grants to researchers with lower financial means. Non-members may be included as part of a collaborative writing project with LIVES members under the same conditions as affiliated members.
Participation includes 3 hotel nights from Monday to Thursday, lunches, coffee breaks and dinners. Participants are expected to stay for the whole duration of the retreat (from February 5 at 10:00 to February 8 at 16:00).
Submission of application
Applications can be submitted until September 15, 2023 to laure.sandoz@unil.ch. Please submit one proposal per writing project (individual or group applications) of max. 2 pages (in English, formatting: min. 1.5 spacing, 12 pts) stating:
- The topic and objectives of the writing project
- The authors’ names, affiliations, and positions (please specify which authors are planning to participate in the writing retreat)
- The expected output
Applicants will be informed about the decision by September 30, 2023.
Find the full programme of LIVES writing retreat in PDF version.