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Bühlmann, F. . (2012). Configurations of atypical and precarious employment in Switzerland. LIVES Working Papers, 015(015), 1–35.
Fassa Recrosio, F. . (2013). Choix professionnels, orientations temporelles et scripts sexués des professions. LIVES Working Papers, 020.5(020.5), 1–38.
Barbeiro, A. ., & Spini, D. . (2015). Calendar interviewing: a mixed methods device for a life course approach to migration. LIVES Working Papers, 039(039), 1–32.
Rossier, C. ., Sauvain-Dugerdil, C. ., & Bernardi, L. . (2018). Bien-être des individus dans des familles non-standards en Suisse - Cadre introductif à une série d’analyses de l’Enquête sur les Familles et les Générations (EFG-2013). LIVES Working Paper, 068(068), 1–20.
Morselli, D. ., Spini, D. ., Le Goff, J.-M. ., Gauthier, J.-A. ., Brändle, K. ., Mugnari, E. ., … Bumbaru, A. . (2013). Assessing the performance of the Swiss Panel LIVES Calendar: Evidence from a pilot study. LIVES Working Papers, 028(028), 1–56.
Hanappi, D. . (2011). An integrative approach to managerial and professional careers in post-industrial labour markets. LIVES Working Papers, 002(002), 28. (Original work published 2011)
Bernardi, L. . (2011). A mixed-method social networks study design for research on transnational families. LIVES Working Papers, 003(003), 13. (Original work published 2011)
Lipps, O. ., & Zella, S. . (2016). Inequality of BMI Dynamics: A Socioeconomic and Gender Perspective. LIVES Working Paper, 056(056), 1–23.
Amaro Galhano, L. . (2016). Nationalité et recrutement: Le cas des ouvriers portugais dans le domaine gros œuvre romand. LIVES Working Papers, 052(052), 1–30.
Lucchini, M. ., Butti, C. ., Assi, J. ., Spini, D. ., & Bernardi, L. . (2013). Multidimensional deprivation in contemporary Switzerland across social groups and time. LIVES Working Papers, 022(022), 1–29.