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AGE-INT (Geneva work packages)

AGE-INT is the largest national research project to address the challenges and opportunities of demographic change in a practical manner with a trans- and interdisciplinary project team in the three largest language regions of Switzerland. The objective of the project is to identify knowledge and examples of best practices in selected priority areas, both nationally and internationally, and to make them visible and accessible for a broad public and decision makers.

The main themes and priorities of the network are:

  • Technologies for people in old age

    Lead IAF-OST, University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST), project partner University of Geneva

  • Dementia – prevention and care

    Lead Centre of Competence on Dementia, University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (OST), project partners University of Geneva and University of Zurich, Centre for Gerontology

  • Employment at retirement age

    Lead Bern University of Applied Sciences (BUAS)

  • Social inclusion

    Lead University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)


Important links

AGE-INT website

PROVIDEMUS study at the University of Geneva

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