15/16 Dec 2022

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the workshop “Cognition, decisions and wellbeing in later life”, which will take place on December 15th and 16th, 2022 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The overall aim of this workshop will be to assemble cross-disciplinary perspectives on cognition, decisions and wellbeing and their interplay in later life with invited speakers, contributed talks, and posters.
We welcome papers concerning at least one of the topics of the workshop - cognition, decisions and wellbeing - or their interaction. We will particularly give emphasis to works using data from the international family of health and retirement studies such as SHARE, the HRS, ELSA, TILDA and other sister surveys.
All submissions must include an abstract of maximum of 300 words providing details about the research question, the methodological approach, and the preliminary results. Authors should state whether they are interested in an oral or poster presentation, however the decision on type of presentation will be made by our committee.
Abstracts should be submitted through our website until November 13th, 2022.