15 Dec 2022

The workshop “Cognition, decisions and wellbeing in later life” aims to assemble cross-disciplinary perspectives on cognition, decisions and wellbeing and their interplay in later life with invited speakers, contributed talks, and posters.
During this 1.5-day event, we will particularly give emphasis to works using data from the international family of health and retirement studies such as the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) and other sister surveys.
Full programme in PDF version, with all 22 oral and poster presentations.
On this occasion, we will be delighted to welcome three keynote speakers:
- Prof. Kenneth Langa from the University of Michigan (US)
Expert in epidemiology and costs of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
Associate Director of the HRS, Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol (HCAP) Network Co-Principal Investigator - Prof. David Richter from the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
Expert in survey research, aging and wellbeing
International coordinator of the SHARE - Dr. Dorina Cadar from the University of Sussex (UK)
Expert in cognitive epidemiology and dementia
Involved in the implementation of the HCAP in the ELSA
There is no registration fee for this event, but places are limited.
Registrations are open until December 8, 2022
Practical information
- Dates: December 15 and 16 (until 2:00 pm)
- Location: University of Lausanne, Géopolis building - rooms 2137 and 1620
- Contact: maud.wieczorek@unil.ch