30 Jun 2024
Call for projets

Eligibility and purpose of the call
The Interdisciplinary Centre of Life Course Research (CIR) LIVES aims to stimulate innovative interdisciplinary research on the life course and/or vulnerability at the University of Lausanne. To this end, the CIR LIVES provides financial support of up to CHF 15,000 for individual proposals that show unconventional thinking across disciplines. Proposals must be submitted by two (or more) principal investigators from different disciplines. The principal investigators must hold a doctorate and have a valid contract at the University of Lausanne until 31 December 2025. At least one of the principal investigators must be a member of CIR-LIVES UNIL.
This call supports interdisciplinary projects of a maximum duration of 18 months that are unlikely to be funded by other funding schemes. The maximum grant for an individual project is CHF 15,000. The costs covered by the funding can include data collection, fieldwork, costs related to scientific collaboration (e.g. travel, visits, workshops), the hiring of staff, wages for research assistance (e.g. for a student assistant), etc.
All applicants agree to (a) send a short report of 200 words after the end of the project, (b) acknowledge LIVES funding in their output, and, if the project leads to external funding, (c) associate their new project to the LIVES Centre.
Submission of funding applications
Applications may be submitted until 30 June 2024 to caroline.jeanneret@unil.ch. Please submit the following documents in English in one single pdf-document (with the applicants’ last name in the file name):
- A research plan of 1-2 pages (formatting: min. 1.5 spacing, 12pt), stating the research question, expected contribution and output;
- A breakdown of expected costs;
- A CV with a publication list of the principal investigators.
If you have any questions about the call, please contact LIVES Director Daniel Oesch (daniel.oesch@unil.ch). For specific questions on the calculation of costs, please contact caroline.jeanneret@unil.ch.
Assessment criteria
Projects will be evaluated on the basis of scientific quality and originality, and in particular the added value at the interdisciplinary level.
Acceptance or rejection of projects will be communicated by 10 July 2024. The funding can only be disbursed until 31 December 2025, and the short report is due by 31 January 2026 at the latest.