02 May 2022
Call for contributions

We wish to invite all LIVES senior researchers (Professors, MER, postdocs) to contribute to the LIVES Centre interactive glossary.
Interested scholars are invited to send their proposition by filling this form: https://www.centre-lives.ch/en/form/glossary-submission.
To ensure a multidisciplinary collaboration and a life-course perspective, please include at least one other author from other disciplines: Psychology / Social Psychology ; Sociology ; Economics / Social economy ; Demography ; Statistics ; Other.
We are eager to see the following definitions included in our Wiki and many more:
- Sociological approach of stress
- Life events
- Recovery
- Resilience
- Coping
- Inter/multi/trans-disciplinary
- Processes
- Mechanisms
- Programs
- Multilevel (data and models)
- Socioeconomic status (SES)
We wish to remind you that LIVES Centre developed this interactive glossary containing about 30 theoretical concepts that can be visualized in a semantic network. It shares a common language with the whole scientific community for the study of vulnerability in a life-course perspective.
This glossary gives an overview of central concepts such as vulnerability, trajectories, reserves, cumulative (dis)advantages, resilience, longitudinal data (retrospective and prospective) and many others. The semantic network visualisation of the various concepts is the opportunity to integrate the theoretical context in which they are embedded at a glance. A simple click on a term activates the network and shows the connections with other themes.
Aimed at both junior and advanced researchers, this innovative tool promotes interdisciplinary research on vulnerability and the life course. It is the result of the collaboration between 25 senior researchers of the LIVES Centre, from different disciplines, such as psychology, social psychology, sociology, demography, economics, social economy and statistics. The aim of the LIVES Centre is to share the summary of its first 12 years of research with the international academic community.
The definitions included in this glossary is intended to evolve according to new results observed. Proposals for new concepts are welcome and can be sent directly to https://www.centre-lives.ch/en/form/glossary-submission. Our Scientific Committee will then evaluate the new propositions and provide a feedback to the authors before the online display. Given the Committee meets about twice a year, the evaluation process and online display may take several weeks. We thank you in advance for your patience.
Consult the interactive glossary at glossary.centre-lives.ch
We’re looking forward to discovering your new definitions!