15 Nov 2023
Call for projets

Call for Financial Support of Life Course Research for Young Scholars
Eligibility and purpose of the call
The Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research LIVES provides financial support for young scholars planning innovative research on the life course. Only non-tenured researchers at the doctoral and post-doctoral level are eligible as applicants, and we welcome collaborative projects. Main applicants must either be enrolled as doctoral students at the University of Lausanne or the University of Geneva or work as post-docs with a contract that is valid until June 30, 2024.
This call supports innovative life course research that spans a maximum of 18 months. The upper limit for single project funding is CHF 10,000. The costs covered by the funding can include data collection, fieldwork, costs connected to scientific collaboration (i.e. travel and visits), wages for research assistance (i.e. for a student assistant), etc.
The funding can be used either to write a paper (for PhD students and post-docs) or to develop a new project (for post-docs). A condition for the funding is that it results in a clearly identifiable deliverable within the timeframe specified in the application: a working paper in the LIVES working paper series (and eventually a publication which can be part of a PhD thesis) or a project submission (for post-docs).
All individuals who successfully apply for funding agree (a) to implement the research activities within the proposed timeframe, (b) to send in the promised deliverable, (c) to associate their new project to the LIVES Centre, and (d) to acknowledge the LIVES funding in their output.
Submission of projects
Project applications can be submitted by November 15, 2023 to tomaso.solari@unil.ch (for members of University of Lausanne) or cigev@unige.ch (for members of University of Geneva). Please submit the following application documents in English in one single pdf-document (containing the applicants’ last names in the file-name):
- A research plan of no more than 3 pages (formatting: min. 1.5 spacing, 12pts), stating the research question, expected contribution, methods, and expected output/deliverable
- A breakdown of expected costs
- A timeline for the implementation of the project
- A CV with a publication list for all participating applicants
If you have general questions concerning the call, please contact LIVES director Daniel Oesch at University of Lausanne (daniel.oesch@unil.ch) or LIVES co-director Clémentine Rossier at University of Geneva (clementine.rossier@unige.ch). If you have questions concerning the calculation of costs, please contact tomaso.solari@unil.ch at University of Lausanne or cigev@unige.ch at University of Geneva.
Assessment Criteria
The assessment of projects will be based on the following criteria:
- Quality, promise and topical fit of the project with the LIVES Centre
- Scientific qualifications of applicant(s)
Smaller projects (that is, applications asking for less than the maximum amount of funding) may have higher chances of being funded.
Acceptance or rejection of projects will be communicated by December 15, 2023. The funding received can only be disbursed in 2024 and deliverables will be due, at the very latest, by August 31, 2025.