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LIVES Working Paper

Hanappi, D. ., Ryser, V.-A. ., Bernardi, L. ., & Le Goff, J.-M. . (2012). Precarious work and the fertility intention-behavior link: An analysis based on the Swiss Household Panel data. LIVES Working Papers, 017(017), 1–27.
Rossier, J. . (2013). Personality assessment and career interventions. LIVES Working Papers, 026(026), 1–40.
Valarino, I. . (2016). Parental and paternity leave proposals in Switzerland: Do they promote gender equality?. LIVES Working Papers, 053(053), 1–32.
Mosconi, N. . (2013). Orientations et genre: Quelles approches méthodologiques?. LIVES Working Papers, 020.3(020.3), 1–15.
Drilling, M. . (2019). Obdachlosigkeit, Wohnungslosigkeit und Prekäres wohnen. Ausmass, Profil und Bedarf in der Region Basel. LIVES Working Paper, 076(076), 1–65.
Le Feuvre, N. . (2019). DAISIE - Country report: Switzerland. LIVES Working Paper, 077.1(077.1), 1–45.
Korber, M. . (2018). Does vocational education give a labour market advantage over the whole career? A comparison of the United Kingdom and Switzerland. LIVES Working Paper, 074(074), 1–40.
Korber, M. ., & Oesch, D. . (2016). Does Vocational Education Give a Happy Start and a Lousy End to Careers?. LIVES Working Paper, 057(057), 40.
Cavalli, L. . (2011). Does the month of birth influence the timing of life course decisions? Evidence from a natural experiment in Italy. LIVES Working Papers, 009(009), 1–22.
Oesch, D. ., & von Ow, A. . (2015). Do informal contacts increase labor market inequality? Social ties, job access and wages for the unemployed. LIVES Working Papers, 038(038), 1–30.