Psychological differences between social classes?
Although the study of social class is part of a long tradition of sociological research, little is known about the psychological differences between people of different socio-economic status.
Sharp decline in local religious groups in Switzerland
In the 39th issue of the journal Social Change in Switzerland, Jörg Stolz and his colleagues use two surveys of all local religious groups in Switzerland to show that secularisation continues to advance.
Prevent Too. Reducing social and life course inequalities in preventive practices
Led by
Stéphane Cullati, Piet Bracke, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Sorana Toma
TIDE - What happens when the tide recedes? Transformations and Impacts of the Dynamics of Engagement
Led by
Olivier Fillieule, Davide Morselli
The many facets of migration at the international conference of the LIVES Centre and the NCCR on the move.
On 5 and 6 November 2024, 160 researchers gathered at the University of Geneva to present their research on mobility in the life course.