- The Swiss middle class is not in decline, it is growing fast
- People on social welfare are not necessarily lost to the job market
- Keeping in touch with former colleagues is a good strategy to get out of unemployment
- A PhD thesis on the plight of older job seekers is now being published in book form
- Utilizing networks to find employment? Social networks as a labour market integration tool for unemployed and disadvantaged people
- Climbing the social ladder is as difficult nowadays as it was several decades ago
- Unemployment hurts senior jobseekers more. Can a good social network offset this disadvantage?
- Factorial Survey Designs in Labor Market Research: joint workshop NCCR On the Move & NCCR LIVES
- Delaying the age of tracking does not facilitate educational pathways
- Discussing job insecurity and occupational change, PhD student got confidence and a position
- Social Investment: Lions facing the Matthew effect while dreaming of being butterflies
- Tackling inequalities at source or perpetuating them: social investment strategy debated
- Results of a study on the use of personal networks presented to the Regional Employment Offices
- Publication of a book on active social policy in Europe
- There is no habituation effect with unemployment, quite the opposite
- 5 shut down Swiss companies used as a case study on unemployment
- Looking at the social networks of unemployed people in Vaud