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Trajectories within contexts

This project has the objective of developing a multidimensional, dynamic and contextualised model of vulnerability, defined as a lack of individual or collective resources that places individuals or groups at major risk of experiencing (1) negative consequences related to sources of stress; (2) the inability to cope effectively with a stressor; and (3) the inability to recover from a stressor or to take advantage of opportunities in a given period of time. This IP collects data in combination with the third sample of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP-III) run by FORS: the LIVES Cohort Survey and the LIVES-FORS Vaud Panel.

During Phase 1 (2011-2014), this project was entitled "Vulnerability processes in adult life: Cumulative disadvantages, critical events, and socio-psychosocial resources" (IP1).


Felix Bühlmann


Prof. Claudio Bolzman, Prof. Olivier Fillieule, Prof. Jean-Luc Heeb, Prof. Gisela Michel, Prof. Dario Spini, Prof. Christian Staerkle, Prof. Leen Vandecasteele
Dr. Nicole Bachmann, Dr. Isabel Baumann, Dr. Valérie Carrard, Dr. Nora Dasoki, Dr. Guy Elcheroth, Dr. Jacques-Antoine Gauthier, Dr. Francesco Giudici, Dr. Jean-Marie Le Goff, Dr. Davide Morselli, Dr. Claudio Peter, Dr. Nicolas Sommet, Dr. Amal Tawfik, Dr. Robin Tillmann, Judith Kühr

PhD Students
Caroline Debnar, Leïla Eisner, Adar Hoffman, Sandrine Morel, Aurore Ndour

Research Assistant
Emmanuelle Arnex

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