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Les multiples parcours de la monoparentalité

  • (2021) Bernardi, L., Constantin, S.; Le Goff, J.M., Moles-Kalt, B., Sabot, C., Sánchez-Mira, N., & Soler-Torramilans, J. “The (re)structuring of Daily Life During the COVID-19 Related Restrictions in Switzerland: Challenges and Coping in Intact Families, Lone Parent and Step-parents Families”, 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Online event, Barcelona, 31st August – 2nd September 2021.

  • (2021) Sánchez-Mira, N., Bernardi, L., Moles-Kalt, B. & Sabot, C. “Famille, travail et structuration du temps ; la réorganisation du quotidien des familles monoparentales durant la pandémie du covid-19”, 9e Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie, Lille, 6-9th July 2021.

  • (2021) Le Goff, J.M., Bernardi, L., Constantin, S.; Sánchez-Mira, N.; Moles-Kalt, B., Sabot, C., & Soler-Torramilans, J. “The (re)Structuring of Daily Life during the COVID-19-Related Restrictions in Switzerland: Coping Strategies in Intact Families, Lone-Parent and Stepparents Families”, 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomics, Virtual Meeting, 2-5th July 2021

  • (2019) Sánchez-Mira, N. ; Bernardi, L. and Neale, B. “Relative time for life course research. Insights from a Prospective Qualitative Study”, European Consortium for Sociological Reseaarch Annual Conference, Lausanne (Switzerland), 12-14th September 2019.

  • (2018) Symposium “Prospective Qualitative Analyses: Specific Challenges and New Directions”, Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Annual Conference, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy), 9th July 2018
  • (2018) Sánchez-Mira, N. ; Bernardi, L. and Neale, B. “Rethinking time for life course research”, Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Annual Conference, Milano (Italy), 9-11th July 2018.
  • (2018) Larenza, O. : Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Conference 2018, Milan, 9 – 11 juillet 2018. Présentation: How can prospective qualitative research improve our understanding of vulnerability? A study on violations of maintenance agreements in lone motherhood.
  • (2018) Larenza, 0. : Parental Life Courses After Separation and Divorce, Berlin, 3 - 4 mai 2018. Présentation: Violations of child maintenance agreements in Western Switzerland: a study on the role of enforcement policy tools in lone mothers’ vulnerability over time
  • (2017) Larenza, 0. : European Conference on Politics and Gender, Lausanne, 8-10 juin 2017. Présentation: Gender inequalities in lone parenthood: The Swiss case.
  • (2017) Larenza, 0. : Population Days AISP (Associazione italiana di studi sulla popolazione), Florence, 9 – 10 février 2017.  Présentation: The Meanings of (Re)partnering for Lone Mothers
  • (2016) Larenza, 0. : European Population Conference 2016, Mayence, 31 août – 3 septembre 2016. Présentation: The Meanings of (Re)partnering for Lone Mothers
  • (2016) Larenza, 0. : Pairfam Conference 2016, Monaco, 29 juin - 1 juillet 2016. Présentation: The Meanings of (Re)partnering for Lone Mothers
  • (2015) Larenza, 0. : European Sociological Association Conference 2015, Prague, 25 - 28 août 2015. Présentation: Variety of Transitions into Lone Parenthood
  • (2015) Larenza, 0. : Lone Parenthood. New Insights in the Life Courses of Single Mothers and Fathers, Anvers, 9 - 10 avril 2015. Présentation: Variety of Transitions into Lone Parenthood
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