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LIVES 2022 international conference - A look back at 12 years of successful research


On 17 and 18 November 2022, the LIVES Centre organised an international conference in Geneva, bringing together some 160 researchers. This event held at the UNIGE Biotech Campus highlighted the twelve years of joint research conducted within the NCCR LIVES and the participants' common vision of vulnerability in a life course perspective.

After the introductory lecture by Dario Spini and Eric Widmer on the need for research on vulnerability along the life course in Switzerland, four leading academics shared their findings with the assembly in plenary lectures. In total, more than 60 presentations and 12 posters enriched the point of view of the researchers present in all relevant areas of life course research, such as family, health, employment, education, old age, family, gender relations or innovative longitudinal methods.

Keynote Conferences

  • Taking stock of NCCR LIVES researchDario Spini et Eric Widmer
  • Young adult life courses and political protest in the Global SouthAnnette Fassang, WZB, Berlin Social Science Centre, Germany
  • Personal networks along life: Strengths and vulnerabilitiesClaire Bidart, CNRS, LEST, laboratoire d'économie et de la sociologie du travail, France
  • The (re)production of inequalities across generations: Birth health, early child outcomes, and parental investmentsLidia Panico, Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques, France
  • Lives, fast and slowFrancesco Billari, University Bocconi, Italy

Find the full programme on the LIVES 2022 international conference page