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Working papers

The LIVES Working Papers (ISSN: 2296-1658) is a new social science paper series, published by the LIVES Centre. It is designed to advance scholarship and debate in the growing field of life course research.

Authors can submit an electronic copy of their paper by using the submission form.


Title Volume Author(s) Key words Year
Le Travail Rémunéré à Temps Plein des Mères : Malédiction ou Bénédiction? - Le Cas Singulier de la Suisse Comparé à la Belgique, la France, l’Allemagne et la Suède 069 Juliette Fioretta, Clémentine Rossier Suisse, Comparaison internationale, Conflit-travail famille, Politiques familiales, Santé, Sélection sociale, Travail à temps plein des mères, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2018
Bien-être des individus dans des familles non-standards en Suisse - Cadre introductif à une série d’analyses de l’Enquête sur les Familles et les Générations (EFG-2013) 068 Clémentine Rossier, Claudine Sauvain-Dugerdil, Laura Bernardi Suisse, Politiques familiales, Bien-être, Diversité des formes famille, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2018
Lone parenthood and employment trajectories: A longitudinal mixed-method study 067 Emanuela Struffolino, Laura Bernardi, Ornella Larenza Switzerland, Sequence analysis, mixed-method, Employment, lone parenthood 2018
Lone Mothers’ Repartnering Trajectories and Health: Does the Welfare Context Matter? 066 Recksiedler Claudia, Laura Bernardi Lone mothers, repartnering, health disparities, Welfare state, Family policies 2019
Is there public support for a longer and more gender equal leave scheme in Switzerland? 065 Isabel Valarino Attitudes, Switzerland, Gender equality, Leave policies, Policy preferences, Welfare state, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2018
Obdachlosigkeit und Obdachlosenhilfe unter dem Blickwinkel von Verletzbarkeit 064 Jörg Dittmann, Matthias Drilling, Mirjam Meissburger, Filiz Düzgün-Yoker, Kora Kaufmann-Hörr, Paco Krummenacher, Andrea Wey Obdachlosigkeit, Soziale Arbeit, Verletzbarkeit, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2017
Snakes and Ladders: The combined effect of qualifications and marriage on the employment trajectories of Peruvian graduates in Switzerland 063 Romina Seminario, Nicky Le Feuvre Switzerland, Bi-national marriages, Employment transitions, Highly skilled migration, International student migration, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2017
The Rise of Economic Insecurity in the EU: Concepts and Measures 062 Costanzo Ranci, Andrea Parma, Laura Bernardi, Jason Beckfield Inequality, Poverty, Welfare state, Class, Family, Social structure, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2017
Improving our Understanding of Employer Decision-making Thanks to Factorial Survey Analysis 061 Patrick McDonald Discrimination, Employer surveys, Recruitment, Employer behaviour, Factorial survey analysis, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2017
Vulnerability of Lone Mothers over the Life Course in Switzerland 060 Emanuela Struffolino, Laura Bernardi life course, Health, Employment, Education, Vulnerability, Lone mothers, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2017