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Working papers

The LIVES Working Papers (ISSN: 2296-1658) is a new social science paper series, published by the LIVES Centre. It is designed to advance scholarship and debate in the growing field of life course research.

Authors can submit an electronic copy of their paper by using the submission form.


Title Volume Author(s) Key words Year
Ethnicity, authority and political participation: Expressing political attitudes in contexts of shifting ethnic salience 059.2 Zacharia Bady Political participation, Ethnicity, Social representations, Spiral of silence, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2017
When development is not "right": Understanding the relationship between perceptions, collective action and victimhood 059.1 Sumedha Jayakody Development, Collective action, Conflict, Victim beliefs, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2017
The geography of social links among a young cohort in Switzerland 058 Karen Brändle Social networks, Frequent contact networks, Geographical distance, Network spatial dispersion, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2017
Does Vocational Education Give a Happy Start and a Lousy End to Careers? 057 Maïlys Korber, Daniel Oesch Switzerland, life course, Employment, Apprenticeship, Earnings, Vocational education and training, Specific skills, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016
Inequality of BMI Dynamics: A Socioeconomic and Gender Perspective 056 Oliver Lipps, S. Zella Switzerland, Age differences, Fixed effects modeling, Gender differences, Germany, SES and individual BMI, USA, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016
Treatment Versus Regime Effects of Carrots and Sticks 055 Patrick Arni, G. van den Berg, Rafael Lalive Employment, unemployment, Earnings, Active labor market programs, Caseworkers, Policy regime, Treatment effect, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016
Multidimensionality of the life course, spillover effects, and well-being: How do parenthood and personality affect changes in domain-specific satisfaction? 054 Laura Bernardi, Gina Potarca, Grégoire Bollmann, Jérôme Rossier Well-being, Transition to parenthood, Personality, Spillover effects, life course 2016
Parental and paternity leave proposals in Switzerland: Do they promote gender equality? 053 Isabel Valarino Switzerland, Gender equality, Family policies, Parental leave, Paternity leave, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016
Nationalité et recrutement: Le cas des ouvriers portugais dans le domaine gros œuvre romand 052 Laura Amaro Galhano Suisse, Migration, Construction, Marché du travail, Recrutement, Réseau social, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016
L’évolution de l emploi, du chômage et du PIB dans le canton de Vaud depuis 1990: Une étude comparative avec la Suisse 051 Maïlys Korber, Daniel Oesch Suisse, Berne, Chômage, Croissance démographique, Emplois, Genève, Salaires, Zurich, Vaud, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016