To celebrate the hard work of the 450 researchers and administrative staff who have collaborated with LIVES during its first 12 years, numerous research activities and dissemination of results to scientists, authorities, professionals and the general public have been organized: the LIVES Celebrations. The whole programme is continuously updated and can be found below.
You have already participated in or contributed to some of these events. Thank you! The interactive glossary, the reports of the round tables, the honorary doctorate awarded to Rick Settersten, the LIVES Day and Night (with photos and videos!) or the exhibition with the Musée de l'Art Brut (until Nov. 27, 2022) continue to live on the LIVES website. The career paths of the "LIVES doctors" are also honoured through the map of the former PhD candidates. They give their advice for the future researchers.
Other activities are still on our to-do list and we are looking forward to your precious collaboration in organising them! We still have a few places left to take part in :
- The human library. Turn yourself into a book and tell a compelling story about your research results in one-on-one meetings and a podcast recording (personal investment: 7 hours of work in total). More information: centre-lives.ch/en/page-de-base/human-library
- The public round table. On November 16, 2022, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at the University of Lausanne (IDHEAP), LIVES holds a round table that will focus on the importance of interdisciplinary research on vulnerabilities in Switzerland and their impact on public policies.
- The international conference. On November 17 and 18, 2022, at the University of Geneva (Campus Biotech), a scientific conference will be held bringing together LIVES researchers. In addition to the presentations that will take place during the conference, a poster session is included in the programme.
2022 marks the complete transition of the research activities to the LIVES Centre and the end of the funding of the National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The Centre is institutionalised at the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva and continues to conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of life course and vulnerability.
We look forward to continuing our fruitful, interdisciplinary and enthusiastic exchange on the study of the life course!