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Working papers

The LIVES Working Papers (ISSN: 2296-1658) is a new social science paper series, published by the LIVES Centre. It is designed to advance scholarship and debate in the growing field of life course research.

Authors can submit an electronic copy of their paper by using the submission form.


Title Volume Author(s) Key words Year
Measuring moral inclusion: A validation of the Inclusion/Exclusion of Other Groups (IEG) scale 014 Davide Morselli, Stefano Passini Moral exclusion, Moral inclusion, Scale, Scope of justice, Validation, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2012
Le professorat universitaire: une sélection genrée masquée par des critères d’excellence? 013 Farinaz Fassa Recrosio, Sabine Kradolfer Inégalités sociales, Carrières académiques, Excellence académique, Plafond de verre, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2012
Existe-t-il un affaiblissement de l inégalité des chances en Suisse? 012 Julie Falcon Education, Inégalité des chances, Intergénérationnelle, LIVES Working Paper, Mobilité sociale, Modèles log-linéaires et log-multiplicatifs, NCCR LIVES, Parcours de vie, Stratification sociale 2012
Enquête au royaume de Matilda. La relève à l'Université de Lausanne 011 Farinaz Fassa Recrosio, Sabine Kradolfer, Sophie Paroz Genre, Carrières académiques, Plafond de verre, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2012
Styles de vie et activités de formation chez les seniors du Canton de Vaud: Enquête 2009 010 Dario Spini, Leticia Campos Collecte de données, Enquête, Mode de vie, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2012
Does the month of birth influence the timing of life course decisions? Evidence from a natural experiment in Italy 009 Laura Cavalli Education, Natural experiment, Cox hazard model, First birth, Kaplan-Meier estimation, Logit regression model, Marriage, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2011
Devenir parent 008 Jean-Marie Le Goff, René Levy Collecte de données, Enquête, Transition à la parentalité, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2011
Why should parental leave policies (not) be implemented? A frame analysis of French-speaking Swiss press articles: 1999-2009 007 Isabel Valarino, Laura Bernardi Gender, Media analysis, Parental leave policies, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2011
Field, habitus, and economic reason: Prospects of conceptualizing economic action 006 Doris Hanappi Economic man, Economic sociology, Embeddedness, Preferences, Symbolic interaction, Self-interest, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2011
Gender role-set family orientations, and fertility intentions in Switzerland 005 Laura Bernardi, Jean-Marie Le Goff, Valérie-Anne Ryser Gender, Fertility intentions, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2011