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Working papers

The LIVES Working Papers (ISSN: 2296-1658) is a new social science paper series, published by the LIVES Centre. It is designed to advance scholarship and debate in the growing field of life course research.

Authors can submit an electronic copy of their paper by using the submission form.


Title Volume Author(s) Key words Year
Choix professionnels, orientations temporelles et scripts sexués des professions 020.5 Farinaz Fassa Recrosio Genre, Articulation des temps sociaux, Elites, Temporalités, Transgression, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2013
Quel goût pour les sciences? Une question d’interprétation et de méthode 020.4 Pierre Bataille France, Genre, Excellence, Orientation, Scientifique, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2013
Orientations et genre: Quelles approches méthodologiques? 020.3 Nicole Mosconi Méthodes quantitatives qualitatives et cliniques, Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2013
Socio-histoire d’une non mixité: le certificat d’aptitude professionnelle (France) 020.2 Gilles Moreau Apprentissage, Diplôme, Formation professionnelle, Métiers, Mixité, Sociohistoire, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2013
L’exposition à des modèles de réussite en contexte ségrégué: une situation favorable à la modification et diversification des choix d’orientation des filles? 020.1 Annick Durand-Delvigne Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, Mixité, Dispositif pour l’égalité, Modèles de réussite, Stéréotypes de genre, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2013
Spatially weighted context data and their application to collective war experiences 019 Guy Elcheroth, Sandra Penic, Rachel Fasel, Francesco Giudici, Stephanie Glaeser, Dominique Joye, Jean-Marie Le Goff, Davide Morselli, Dario Spini Collective experiences, Collective guilt, Context effects, Formative year, Former Yugoslavia, Multilevel analyses, Scale effects, War exposure, Spatial analyses, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2012
I wouldn t have stopped working if I had known our couple turned that way. A biographical account of labour force participation and conjugal love 018 Eric Widmer, Manuela Schicka, Michèle Ernst Stähli, Jean-Marie Le Goff, René Levy Intimacy, Love, Marital satisfaction, Occupational trajectories, Work, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2012
Precarious work and the fertility intention-behavior link: An analysis based on the Swiss Household Panel data 017 Doris Hanappi, Valérie-Anne Ryser, Laura Bernardi, Jean-Marie Le Goff Switzerland, life course, Panel data, Economic uncertainty, Fertility intentions, Precariousness, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2012
Time dependency in diffusion models: Gamma-diffusion models as an alternative to the Hernes model 016 Jean-Marie Le Goff Event history analysis, Diffusion models, Gamma-diffusion models, Hernes model, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2012
Configurations of atypical and precarious employment in Switzerland 015 Felix Bühlmann Precariousness, Atypical employment, Configurations, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2012