#NCCRWomen – LIVES presents the careers of 5 female researchers to inspire young people
In this anniversary week of the Women's Strike, LIVES profiles 5 of its female researchers.
In this anniversary week of the Women's Strike, LIVES profiles 5 of its female researchers.
Press release
From May 31 to June 11, 2021, the LIVES Centre met more than 250 pupils from the canton of Vaud within the framework of the "Mystères of UNIL".
The call for projects "Seeds of LIVES" supports projects that are in the process of being written, which may be then associated with the UNIL-LIVES Centre. Launched in June 2020, it encourages the emergence of interdisciplinary research projects on life courses and vulnerabilities.
The Young Scholar grant of the LIVES Centre is a support for young researchers - doctoral or post-doctoral researchers - who plan to do innovative research on the life course.
The Young Scholar grant of the LIVES Centre is a support for young researchers - doctoral or post-doctoral researchers - who plan to do innovative research on the life course.
The open access interdisciplinary book “Withstanding Vulnerability Throughout Adult Life” integrates the major findings and theoretical advances of a 12-year research program run by the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES re
On 19 September 2023, Julien Fakhoury defended his thesis entitled "A life-course perspective on the health of undocumented migrants. How does the regularization of legal status affect their health trajectories?", supervised by Prof. Claudine Burton-Jeangros.
Launched in 2011, at the beginning of the NCCR LIVES, the Doctoral programme trains and supports the next generation of researchers on life-course studies.
Roujman Shahbazian is a researcher at the Department of Sociology at University of Munich and an affiliated researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research
Between April and July 2024, Chiara Ludovica Comolli, assistant professor of demography at the University of Bologna, visited the LIVES Centre at the University of Lausanne to work with Prof. Laura Bernardi.
In September and October 2024, Elisa Thevenot, Research assistant at the University of Tübingen, visits the LIVES Centre at the University of Geneva to work with Prof. Eric Widmer. She conducted her PhD at the University of Tübingen with the DFG graduate program ‘Doing Transitions’.
The book series Life Course Research and Social Policies puts the spotlight on life course research.
The 2nd Intergenerational Forum of the causecommune project took place on Saturday 4 September at the Aula of the Collège de la Plaine (Chavannes-près-Renens, Switzerland) and brought together more than 100 people involved and/or interested in a friend
To celebrate the hard work of the 450 researchers and administrative staff who have collaborated with LIVES during its first 12 years, numerous research activities and dissemination of results to scientists, authorities, professionals and the general public have been
This thesis explores the existence (or not) of structural inequalities and their role in the process of the "successful" integration of immigrant children in Switzerland during the transition to adulthood. Dr Andrés Guarin focuses on three dimensions:
In the 27th issue of the journal Social Change in Switzerland, Jörg Stolz and Jeremy Senn trace the evolution of religion in Switzerland from 1930 to 2020.
En 1872, l’Université de Genève devient officiellement accessible aux femmes à la suite d’une pétition signée par trente « Genevoises, mères de famille » s’adressant au Grand Conseil.
Critical events and transition periods are part of every life course. Starting university, having your first child, losing your job, retirement, these events can lead to a change in behaviour that directly impacts on our health.
In the 32nd issue of the series Social Change in Switzerland, Sebastian Weingartner and Jörg Rössel show that between 1976 and 2019 the Swiss population has become significantly more culturally active.
In the 24th issue of the journal Social Change in Switzerland, Marlis Buchmann, Helen Buchs & Ann-Sophie Gnehm from the University of Zurich report on the strong digitisation of the Swiss labour market.
In the 35th issue of the Social Change in Switzerland series, Richard Nennstiel and Rolf Becker compare the educational qualifications of half a million individuals with those of their parents.
In the 34th issue of the journal Social Change in Switzerland, Anke Tresch, Line Rennwald and Lukas Lauener show that the proportion of people who do not feel close to any party has risen sharply in Switzerland since the 1970s.
On Wednesday 13 December 2023, Clément Meier defended his thesis and was awarded a doctorate in the human and social sciences of medicine and health from the University of Lausanne. The entire LIVES Centre team congratulates him on this great achievement!
The LIVES Centre is collaborating with the Collection de l'Art Brut in Lausanne to organise an exhibition bringing together 7 authors of art brut. From 10 June to 27 November 2022, the works of these Swiss artists or artists who have lived in Switzerland will be exhibited in Lausanne.
On November 17, 2020, the Centre LIVES held a conference for the inhabitants of Chavannes-près-Renens to present the first research results related to the "Cause Commune" project.
In the 25th issue of the journal Social Change in Switzerland, Christina Bornatici and her two co-authors examine the changing attitudes in Switzerland towards gender equality.
In the UK, it takes young people with lower secondary qualifications 1 month longer to find employment of any sort and 7 months longer to find secure, full-time employment if they are located in a place of low labour demand.
ICSG's Deputy Director, Dr. Áine Ní Léime has been awarded a 1-year research fellowship from the LIVES Swiss Centre of Expertise on Life Course Research. During this period, Áine will be leading a work programme in conjunction with Prof.
This grant is aimed at foreign researchers who wish to visit the LIVES Centre in Lausanne or Geneva for a period of at least two months and covers travel and/or accommodation expenses. Ten researchers will visit us in 2024.
This grant is aimed at foreign researchers who wish to visit the LIVES Centre in Lausanne or Geneva for a period of at least two months and covers travel and/or accommodation expenses. Ten researchers will visit us in 2025.
On 23 November, the LIVES Centre in collaboration with the Social work and Health department of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO) inaugurated their joint platform for social innovation: LIVES Social Innovation (LSI).
Within the framework of the SNSF project The Psychological Effects of Income Inequality under the supervision of Nicolas Sommet (SNSF Ambizione Lecturer), the LIVES Centre fills a new position.
It's possible to tackle the causes of social inequality with students in the classroom or at UNIL!
La gouvernance participative vise à impliquer les citoyen·ne·s, le pouvoir politique, les professionnel·le·s du travail social et les associations dans les décisions politiques locales ainsi que dans les projets associatifs ou institutionnels.
In the 31st issue of the series Social Change in Switzerland, Adrien Remund and Stéphane Cullati show that between 1990 and 2014 life expectancy increased by three years for women and five years for men.
In Switzerland, about 25% of the people who are entitled to social benefits do not make use of them (health insurance subsidies, supplementary benefits, study grants, etc.).
Les auteurs du projet Cause Commune lancent le site internet www.causecommune.ch, qui s’adresse aux représentant·es des communes suisses.
In Switzerland, members of sexual and gender minorities are still victims of structural discrimination, social exclusion and physical violence. This was demonstrated by two psychologists from the Universities of Lausanne and Zurich in a survey of 1400 LGBTIQ+ persons.
The LIVES Centre invites advanced researchers to submit a research project proposition with an international collaboration until June 30, 2020.
The funding will start as of January 2021 at the earliest and will finish at the end of 2022 at the latest.
On Wednesday 22 June 2022, LIVES invited its members, alumni, partners and friends to celebrate its first 12 years of research. More than 100 people took part in this important event in the beautiful setting of the Olympic Museum in Lausanne.
On the occasion of its first 12 years of research on vulnerability along the life course, the LIVES Centre publishes a booklet gathering all the editions of its LIVES Impact, policy briefs published since 2015.
These past few months several changes occurred within the LIVES Admin and Support team. We said goodbye to Christelle Burri (Secretery), Pascal Maeder (Knowledge transfer Officer) and Sabrina Roduit (Doctoral programme) and welcomed Caroline Jeanneret as LIVES new secretary!
On 9 December 2020, Dan Orsholits defended his thesis and obtained his doctorate, presenting two models for the analysis of life courses and transitions.
On Monday 8 May 2023, more than 50 professionals and experts met to discuss the subject of divorced or separated families.
On Wednesday 31 January 2024, Liliane Efinger defended her thesis under the supervision of Prof. Valentino Pomini.
Lausanne, 9th February 2022 – Although pornography is an industry mainly run by and for men, paradoxically it seems to have a detrimental effect on male sexuality but a beneficial effect on female sexuality.
We met Clément Meier, PhD student at the University of Lausanne and member of the LIVES Centre. He tells us about his background, his research and his recent participation in the UNIL final of "Ma thèse en 180 secondes".
We spoke to Doriana Tinello, a doctoral student at CIGEV (UNIGE's Centre interfacultaire en gérontologie et d'étude des vulnérabilités) and a member of the LIVES Centre. She shares with us what led her to start a doctorate and the challenges of her research.
Meet Michael Grätz, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Lausanne, who has been awarded a Starting Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation.
From January 2021, the Humanities and Social Sciences Division of the National Research Council will have a new president, Professor Laura Bernardi, Professor of Demography, who has also been head of research projects at LIVES since 2011.
In the 36th issue of the Social Change in Switzerland series, Giovanni Ferro-Luzzi and his colleagues assess the regularization of undocumented immigrants in the canton of Geneva.
After an explosive program in 2022, the LIVES Center wishes you a year 2023 full of projects and satisfactions.
We look forward to seeing you again!
The LIVES Centre team
In the 39th issue of the journal Social Change in Switzerland, Jörg Stolz and his colleagues use two surveys of all local religious groups in Switzerland to show that secularisation continues to advance.
On Thursday 26 October 2023, Gianvito Laera defended his thesis entitled "Strategic Monitoring and Time Perception in Time-based Prospective Memory" under the supervision of Prof. Matthias Kliegel.
Press release
Launch of scientific research
Press release
Income of French-speaking Swiss musicians
The cost of incompressible expenditure accentuates inequalities
In the 26th issue of the series Social Change in Switzerland, Hannah Klaas and her co-authors examine the evolution of stress levels in Switzerland between 2016 and 2021.
In the 30th issue of the series Social Change in Switzerland
On 22 June 2022, the LIVES Centre invited its members and alumni at the Olympic museum in Lausanne to party together on LIVES Day... and Night!
On this event, some people had the courage to answer the questions of our cameramen. (videos are in French)
This grant is aimed at foreign researchers who wish to visit the LIVES Centre in Lausanne or Geneva for a period of at least two months and covers travel and/or accommodation expenses. Eight researchers will visit us in 2023.
The LIVES Centre presents its new visual identity as well as its new website!
In the 33rd issue of the series Social Change in Switzerland, Dominique Joye and colleagues report the results of a new survey that asks the Swiss to rate the prestige of a range of professions.
On 4 September 2023, Ivan Leandro Canzio defended his thesis entitled "The Quality of Temporary Employment in Europe: an Assessment of the Individual and Institutional Determinants", under the supervision of Prof. Felix Bühlman and Prof. Jonas Masdonati.
In the 38th issue of Social Change in Switzerland, Baptiste Antoniazza and his colleagues trace the changing profile of left-wing elected officials in Switzerland's four largest cities since 1910.
In the 28th issue of the series Social Change in Switzerland, Oliver Hümbelin and his colleagues document how the welfare state changes the distribution of income in Switzerland.
Four researchers from the LIVES Centre will present the first results of the Wellways Project at the major annual international conference of the Population Association of America, May 5-8, 2021.
We are delighted to announce the arrival of two new Scientific Officers to the LIVES Centre Coordination team.
As the world's population ages, research into psychological ageing is becoming a major priority to ensure the well-being and dignity of individuals. This complex field presents unique challenges requiring multidisciplinary approaches, rigorous methodologies and innovative solutions.
D’abord travailleur social, Jean-Pierre Tabin développe ses compétences de recherche comme chargé de recherche au Centre social protestant de Lausanne et en étudiant la politique sociale à l’Université de Genève puis à celle de Fribourg où il obtient son doctorat.
In Switzerland, the most common career path for women is a return to part-time work after maternity. However, this choice proves to be disadvantageous in the long run in terms of subjective well-being.
On 4 September 2023, Robin Casse defended his thesis entitled "Travailler dans la technique de spectacle : entre rationalisation et artification. Ethnographie des métiers technico-artistique en Suisse romande", co-supervised by Marc Perrenoud and Pierre-Emmanuel Sorignet.